Harvey Norman in 2009

Remember girls, always proffer your vagina with dinner.

Remember girls, always proffer your vagina with dinner.

In today’s Sydney Morning Herald is a full page ad from Harvey Norman, flogging kitchen appliances. The young woman is wearing stilettos, skirt, petticoat, apron and oven gloves as she holds a roast chicken out for her man’s approval. He’s holding a glass of wine and giving her his best am-I-sexy-or-am-I-a-rapist look (but she can’t see it because she’s being demure). I dunno, am I supposed to notice that her pelvis is tilted forwards? I didn’t realise that when I roast a chook for a man I’m also supposed to proffer my vagina.

At least they didn’t use a fish dish, I suppose.

3 responses to “Harvey Norman in 2009

  1. prefer a good rump myself

  2. I write to you as a creative higher-up from the agency responsible for said advertisment. We are flattered, not only to see our work move boxes off shelves, but to inspire bizarrely insightful blogs.

    We are currently working on a series of follow-up ads for the bathroom department featuring the same characters, with Mr. Man scrubbing an Italian-imported toilet, wearing nothing but a lobster-print apron and Ms. Demure doing what she does best, sitting on the toilet, apparently still unable to control her pelvic musclular spasms.

    Good sales and humorous blogs pending, we will consider incorporating these characters in our client’s other departments.

    Thanks and stay tuned!

  3. Pingback: Harvey Norman in 2010 « the news with nipples

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